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Corporate Wellness

Become More Productive

You might feel that you can’t exercise because you have too much to do. What if you could exercise and get your jobs done faster? That sounds enticing, doesn’t it?...

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Corporate Wellness

Boxing For Kids

Sports teach children a lot of life lessons and also keep them active. That activity helps build brain cells and can improve school performance. Choosing boxing for kids can help...

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Corporate Wellness

Be In A Better Mood

If your family and friends tend to duck around corners when they see you coming or they call you grumpy, you probably should take note. If you are constantly in...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Just Move!

You can spend time trying to find the best exercises and learn everything possible about fitness and the best way to execute moves. Unless you physically move, the only thing...

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Corporate Wellness

Herbs You Can Grow To Fight Inflammation

People are becoming more aware of the dangers of inflammation. There are two types of inflammation—acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is a natural part of healing. The immune system, lifestyle...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Exercise To Prevent And Relieve Back Pain

No matter what your age, back pain can occur. Even teens have back pain, but it seems to get worse with age. While your first instinct may be to go...

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Corporate Wellness

What Causes IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome—IBS—can be painful. It can cause changes in bowel movements from gassy diarrhea to bloated constipation. The type of IBS you have makes a difference. Symptoms can range...

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Corporate Wellness

Take Your Health To The Next Level

It doesn’t matter what you changed to improve your lifestyle; you’ll probably notice your health improved too. If you already started exercising regularly, you’ll build muscles and endurance. You may...

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Corporate Wellness

Stay In Amazing Shape Forever!

You can stay in amazing shape forever when you make smarter decisions. It’s all about your attitude toward living healthier. You don’t have to stress over everything you put in...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Good Workouts Without Using Your Knees

A knee injury doesn’t have to put a kibosh on your plans to exercise. There are many workouts that you can do without using your knees. There are exercises for...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Weight Training For Beginners

If you’re new to weight training, understanding the basics is mandatory. Beginners often think of dumbbells or barbells for weight training, but that’s not necessarily the case. You can interchange...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Why Kettlebells Are So Good

If you want to build strength, kettlebells are a good tool to use. They’re good for more than just strength-building, they’re also excellent as an aerobic workout or to increase...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise Nutrition

Good Carbs Vs Bad Carbs

If the thought of eating carbs makes you believe you’ll blow up like a balloon, you’ve fallen into the anti-carb trap. As with everything nowadays people only read the headline...

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Corporate Wellness

Fruits That Replace A Sweet Treat

Everyone has had that craving for a sweet treat at one time or another. It can be addressed by eating a candy bar or food with added sugar or with...

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Corporate Wellness

Create A Great Relationship With Yourself

It doesn’t matter what the situation is, we all have self-talk. Some people cheer themselves on with mental words like “You got this,” and “I can do this.” Others just...

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Corporate Wellness

Just Do It – It Will Be Worth It Tomorrow

The first step is the beginning of any journey. It’s why you have to “just do it.” Make that commitment and take the first step. If you’re a planner, but...

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Corporate Wellness

Workout Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Whether you’ve just started working out or are a seasoned gym member, you probably are making some common mistakes when you workout. Some mistakes can add time to every workout,...

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Corporate Wellness

Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

Many women skip strength training and completely avoid lifting weights. They think of it as a male type of exercise, but they’re wrong. Everyone needs strong muscles. One reason for...

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Corporate Wellness

Top Fitness Trends Of The Year

People track fitness trends by taking surveys. Several large surveys involving over a hundred thousand people found that the number one trend was wearable fitness technology. That can include smart...

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Corporate Wellness

Find A Fitness Challenge That Pushes Your Limits This Year

If you’re already working out but haven’t made any changes in years, this coming year is the time to do it. Exercising can become a bore, especially if your only...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Meal Prep Like A Pro

You probably have heard that planning meals and making them ahead can help you stick with a healthy eating plan, but did you know it also can help you save...

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Corporate Wellness

Best Ab Workouts For A Strong Core

Your core muscles affect your entire body. They help maintain balance and stability. They include the pelvis, lower back, hips, and abs. If your abs aren’t strong, your other muscles...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

The Science Of Fat Loss

If you follow the science, you know that weight loss is not the same as fat loss. You can lose weight by eliminating water weight, burning fat, or using lean...

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Behavioral Health Corporate Wellness

Healthy Evening Routine Ideas

Adequate quality sleep is necessary for good health. Lack of sleep affects so many areas of your health. It can even sabotage your weight loss efforts. Making a few small...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

How To Get Enough Protein

Do you have enough protein in your diet? Is it quality protein? Protein, like carbohydrates and fat, is a macronutrient. It’s in every cell in the body. Amino acids combine...

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Behavioral Health Corporate Wellness

Why You Need To Take Care Of Yourself First

You stay up all night baking the cookies when your child tells you the night before he volunteered, you’d do it. You work extra hours to ensure there’s enough money...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

How To Meal Prep Healthy School Lunches

Are you worried about what your child is served in school lunches? If so, you can create healthy meals for your child and cut out all the added sugar and...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

How Often Should You Go To The Gym As A Beginner?

No matter what the hobby, advocation, or task, people often start with full enthusiasm. Sometimes that enthusiasm dies quickly, sometimes it lasts forever. It’s also true about going to the...

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Corporate Wellness

The Benefits Of Joining A Weight Loss Support Group

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and have almost given up, consider adding another tool to help. You can improve your odds of success with a weight loss support group....

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Exercises For People Recovering From Surgery

Every person is unique and so is their ability to recover. The time it takes for recovery will vary based on that, their previous health, and the type of surgery...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Incorporating Kettlebells Into Your Workout Routine

If you’ve never worked out with kettlebells or don’t know what they are, they look like miniature cannonballs with handles. Unlike dumbbells or barbells that have an even center of...

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Corporate Wellness

The Advantages Of Consuming Mostly Organic Food

Do you debate when you shop whether to choose more expensive options like organic fruits and vegetables, or pastured animal products? With prices increasing everywhere, getting the most for your...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

Is Gluten Really That Bad?

In the grocery store, you’ll see signs touting gluten-free products everywhere. It can scare you into believing that gluten is dangerous when it’s not. While some people have a reaction...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

Is Fasting An Effective Way To Lose Weight?

People who are trying to lose weight may turn to informal fasting. Fasting has been part of society since civilization first started. It has been part of religious rituals, health...

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Corporate Wellness Education Exercise

Set SMART Goals And Achieve Them!

Have you ever had a goal you really wanted to achieve, but failed miserably? Everyone at some point in their life can say yes to that. One way to ensure...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

Nutrition For Healthy Kids

One of the prime goals of parents is to raise healthy kids that are fit mentally and physically. A lot of things are required to do that. Nurturing, emotional support,...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

Common Fat Loss Mistakes

No matter where you live, if you’re on the internet or watch TV, at least once a day you’ll see new miracle ways to lose fat, followed by people who...

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Corporate Wellness

What You Need To Know About Bone Broth

Whether you use the bones, joints, and connective tissues from a rotisserie chicken from the grocery or purchase bones from the butcher specifically to make bone broth, it’s an economical...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

Is Folate The Same As B-12?

Folate is also called vitamin B-9. A synthetic form of folate is folic acid. Both folate and folic acid have similarities to vitamin B-12 but are not the same. You...

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Corporate Wellness Nutrition

What Foods Help With Anti-Aging?

Most people understand that eating healthy foods provides anti-aging benefits. When you’re healthy, you look years younger than a person who is the same age as you but has been...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Muscle Building Mistakes

Some people feel like they’re doomed to be the before picture, with the beach bully kicking sand in their eyes. It’s not just tall, thin people that find it difficult...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise Nutrition

What Is Wrong With Grains?

There are diverse ideas on whether grains should be in the diet and if so, What type of grains? Some diets, like the Paleo diet, don’t include grains. The underlying...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Is Chronic Cardio Making You Fat?

If you’ve pedaled enough miles on your stationary bike to take you around the world twice, and devote several hours a day to running, chronic cardio might be making it...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Is Pilates Better Than Yoga?

If you’ve ever watched a Pilates workout and then watched yoga, they look pretty similar. They’re both low-impact workouts that are beneficial to people of all ages. Both have a...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Fitness Routines You Can Do With The Kids

Whether you’re a parent or not, you probably know that parents want the best for their children, including the best health. Starting children early on the path to healthy lifestyle...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise Nutrition

How To Lose Back Fat Quickly

If your go-to outfits are loose and baggy because you don’t want those bulges and dents on your back from excess fat to show, it’s time to free yourself and...

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Corporate Wellness

How Much Weight Should I Be Losing Per Week?

It’s normal to expect maximum weight loss and sometimes even more than possible when your goal is losing extra pounds. Some people try to avoid that trap and then set...

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Corporate Wellness

Are Meal Box Services Worth It?

There are more and more meal box services that offer healthy meals with minimal preparation. Is it worth it to purchase these meals or is there a better way to...

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Corporate Wellness Exercise

Easy Ways To Get In Your 10K Steps

It’s not always the most pleasant weather in Calgary, Canada, especially during the winter. That shouldn’t stop you from getting exercise and squeezing in those 10K steps. In fact, there...

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Corporate Wellness

Yoga Exercises For Mindfulness

Like all types of exercises, yoga can build your strength, endurance and flexibility. It can also improve your heart health. Sometime, when you’re doing yoga, just like many forms of...

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Corporate Wellness

Reasons Why Walking Can Boost Your Mood

If you’re feeling mentally out of sorts, not bad enough to seek help, but definitely not your best, walking can be a good way to boost your mood. It can...

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Corporate Wellness

Best Exercises For Reduced Mobility

People that are bedridden for extended periods or in a wheelchair or those with reduced mobility often find it difficult to stay in shape. Most people associate workouts with going...

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Corporate Wellness

Walking Vs Running

Some people are running snobs, firmly believing that walking has no place in fitness. Others have no desire to run and find they enjoy the relaxing walk. The most important...

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Corporate Wellness

Reasons You Should Avoid Drinking Too Much Lemon Water

It seems like lemon water is at the top of the list of every fad diet and weight loss program. It can help you lose weight, but it’s not because...

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Corporate Wellness

Drinking Baking Soda Can Boost Your Energy?

People use baking soda for all types of things. It’s an excellent scrub to clean tubs and sinks. It’s also one of my favorite home remedies. The versatility of baking...

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Corporate Wellness

Do Men Need More Calories Than Women?

Every person is unique, so there are always exceptions to the rule, even when it comes to the number of calories they burn. In general, people who are more muscular...

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Corporate Wellness

Will Meal Planning Save You Money?

You can save both time and money when you opt to do meal planning. While it might seem difficult at first, once you get into the habit, just like any...

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Corporate Wellness

Dieting On A Budget

Whether you’re simply trying to eat healthy or dieting, you don’t have to destroy your budget to do it. In fact, it’s cheaper than eating at the cheapest fast food...

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Corporate Wellness

I’m So Tired But I Can’t Sleep — HELP!

There’s a lot of reasons for being tired, but the primary on is lack of sleep. It’s easy to solve if you’re on the go and simply skimping on sleep. ...

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Corporate Wellness

Have You Tried TikTok Profee?

What is a TikTok Profee? It’s a drink made famous on TikToc that combines iced coffee and a protein shake. Most recipes start with a few shots of expresso, ice...

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Corporate Wellness

Do Natural Pain Killers Really Work?

If you’re taking aspirin, you’re taking a substance that originated as a natural pain killer. Way back in ancient Sumeria, approximately 4,000 years ago, this culture scraped willow bark and...

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Corporate Wellness

Healthy Ways To Increase Endorphins

What are endorphins? They’re hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers directing your body to do specific things from controlling your heartbeat or metabolism, to making you feel full or making you...

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Corporate Wellness

Female Hormones Can Affect Exercise At Any Age

No matter what your age, your female hormones still make a difference in your life, even after menopause. They also affect exercise at any age, not only how willingly you...

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Corporate Wellness

What’s The Best Way To Measure My Body Fat?

Why is it important to measure body fat? There’s a lot of reasons, but the main reason is for health issues, since obesity is the leading cause of preventable death....

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Corporate Wellness

Best Protein Sources For Vegetarians

If you’ve chosen a diet that’s primarily vegetarian with mostly plant based options, it can be easy to get adequate protein. There are excellent protein sources for vegetarians that are...

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Corporate Wellness

Best Gluten Free Options

Unless you have Celiac disease or are gluten intolerant, going gluten free isn’t always the best option. However, if you do, it’s extremely important. There are plenty of natural gluten...

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Corporate Wellness

Get An Energy Boost WITHOUT Coffee

When people feel their energy dropping and want a lift, some will grab a candy bar and some will opt for a cup of coffee. Both can have negative effects....

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Corporate Wellness

Relieve Your Stress With A Walk

There’s a lot to be said for something as simple as walking. Whether you go for a leisurely walk with a friend or loved one and enjoy the sites of...

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Corporate Wellness

Staying Healthy This Summer

It’s summer and the flowers are blooming, birds are singing and there’s sunshine everywhere. That should alert you to the need for sunscreen and healthy sunning. Summer is a time...

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Corporate Wellness

Is A Juice Cleanse Right For Me?

What is a juice cleanse and why would you do it? The answer to the first is easy. It’s a period of a day to three days when the person...

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Corporate Wellness

Is Walking Enough Exercise?

The body needs to move, lift and stretch to be its healthiest. Getting exercise is important, whether it’s walking or lifting weights. It helps keep you healthier and fitter. There’s...

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Corporate Wellness

Foods That Keep You Full While Dieting

You don’t have to diet to lose weight, but you do have to change your diet to healthier foods and foods that keep you full, while being lower in calories....

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Corporate Wellness

How Can I Tell If I’m Dehydrated?

Lack of fluid can create serious conditions. You can live for three weeks without food, but only three days without water. It’s easy to get dehydrated in hot summer months...

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Corporate Wellness

How Much Is Too Much Sugar Daily?

When discussing cutting out sugar, it’s important to note it’s about cutting out added sugar, not sugar that is part of the fruit or vegetable. While some fruit, like apples...

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Corporate Wellness

Good Exercises For Couples

If you’re looking for something different to do on a date, for date night for married people or as part of family fun, try exercises for couples or exercises that...

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Corporate Wellness

Is Alcohol Making Me Gain Weight?

That drink or two after work with cohorts may seem innocent enough, but they also can be the reason you gain weight or the reason weight loss is harder. Part...

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Corporate Wellness

Why Running Relieves Stress

Just like any intense exercise, running relieves stress. What causes that is the fight or flight response that kept early man alive. Not only does running reduce stress, it actually...

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Corporate Wellness

Do Food Journals Actually Work?

If you’re struggling to lose weight and think you barely eat, keeping food journals may help you identify the problem. People on the go often grab small snacks throughout the...

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Corporate Wellness

Focus On Your Fiber

Fiber can help you overcome constipation, which is why it’s often at the core of jokes. Unlike its fellow macronutrient, protein, which is associated with muscles and strength, it’s associated...

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Corporate Wellness

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

If you think that the only way salt affects weight loss is from water retention that too much salt can cause, you’d be wrong. It’s true, salt can cause added...

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Corporate Wellness

What To Know About The Keto Diet

The Keto diet may be on many of the latest internet blogs and vlogs, but it isn’t new. In fact, it’s rather old. For hundreds of years there was no...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

One goal often found on people’s fitness goals is to lose belly fat and losing it fast would be just icing on the cake. What is belly fat? It’s called...

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Corporate Wellness

What Foods Help Reduce Inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s response to threats from injury, foreign bodies and microbes. It’s beneficial in most cases. However, chronic inflammation can lead to health issues, such as heart disease,...

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Corporate Wellness

Is It Time For A Digital Detox?

What is a digital detox? Simply put, it’s getting off the phone or computer for an extended period or reducing the amount of time spent in front of a TV...

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Corporate Wellness

Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera

There was a time when an aloe vera plant in the windowsill and macrame curtains were the decorative touches to every kitchen. While that’s not necessarily true today, aloe vera...

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Corporate Wellness

No Scale Lifestyle

Your scales can lie. They can tell you that you aren’t making progress, when in reality you are or make you jubilant, even though you’re not sticking with the program...

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Corporate Wellness

New Year – New You

If you’re like most people, you’ve made quite a few promises to yourself to start living healthier, but then life happened and you became distracted. Nothing is as important as...

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Corporate Wellness

Healthy-ish Mom Life

You read about those super moms who seem to have it all under control. They whip up healthy meals at the same time they’re exercising, cleaning house and tending to...

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Corporate Wellness

Ever Thought Of Joining A Running Club?

Anyone who has ever started a program of running and found they simply weren’t motivated enough to continue, joining a running club might be the perfect solution. Solitary training can...

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Corporate Wellness

Exercise Is Good For Mental Health

Science has always known there was an important link between the mind and body. For instance, when you feel scared, there are changes made in your body called the fight...

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Corporate Wellness

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

When you were a child, it was easy to exercise. Someone yelled tag, tapped you on the shoulder and said, “You’re it.” Game on! The older you get the harder...

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Corporate Wellness

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Too Much Sugar?

It’s getting close to the holidays that are celebrated with all types of treats. Many of those are laden with sugar. While eating an occasional treat isn’t bad, too much...

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Corporate Wellness

Strength Training Benefits For Older Bodies

The older you get, the more important strength training is. While you might envision young men lifting barbells loaded with weight when you hear the words strength training, it’s important...

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Corporate Wellness

Ways To Reset Your Hormones

If you’re finding it almost impossible to lose weight or waking up with hot flashes that soak you, it’s time to take action to reset your hormones. Not only do...

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Corporate Wellness

Choosing Healthy Fats

Don’t avoid fat at all cost, in fear of gaining weight or clogging arteries. There are healthy fats that are actually beneficial for both. Fat free items have become big...

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Corporate Wellness

Can Diabetics Eat Rice?

If you’re one of the 34.2 million of diabetics in the US, you have to track your food carefully. If you look at the people with prediabetes, where making lifestyle...

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Corporate Wellness

Workouts That Target The Belly

If you want workouts that target the belly, hoping to lose weight in that area, think again. When you lose weight, you lose weight all over your body, not just...

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Corporate Wellness

Celebrate The Small Wins

It’s easy to get discouraged when you have a big fitness goal, which is why that goal is often broken down to smaller goals you can accomplish quicker. Having small...

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Corporate Wellness

Is Skipping Breakfast A Bad Idea?

One of the first things people often learn when starting a new fitness program is that skipping breakfast is a bad idea. In some cases, that’s very true. Breakfast is...

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Corporate Wellness

Make More Meals At Home

Whether you want to lose weight or simply want to eat healthier, you need to control what you eat and the ingredients in that food. That means you need to...

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Corporate Wellness

Ever Tried Zucchini Spaghetti?

The latest craze to increase the amount of vegetables on your plate comes in the form of fried zucchini spaghetti. Gwyneth Paltrow made this dish popular While it’s not the...

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Corporate Wellness

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

They say timing is everything and that’s certainly true when it comes to intermittent fasting—IE. IE isn’t a new type of diet. It uses the principles of healthy eating. It’s...

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Corporate Wellness

What Does FIT Really Look Like?

Who doesn’t want a body that every notices and looks like something out of a photo shoot? It’s a dream most of us secretly harbor. But is a curvy or...

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Corporate Wellness

Favorite Vitamin Supplements

People often have favorite vitamin supplements. They’re the go-to vitamins when they feel a cold coming on or ones they take daily to ensure they stay their healthiest. Some people...

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Corporate Wellness

Staying Hydrated As It Gets Warmer

Hot weather may cause you to drink more water, but it can be tricky, too. Sometimes, that hot weather comes with a breeze that helps evaporate the fluid you lost...

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Corporate Wellness

Benefits Of Eating Organic

You probably noticed that organic food is more expensive than traditional factor farmed foods. It’s worth the extra cost and with a little effort, you can reap the benefits of...

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Corporate Wellness

Myths And Facts About Caffeine

Most people associate caffeine with coffee, but this naturally occurring substance is in the seeds, fruits and leaves of more than 60 plants. Tea is another high caffeine product that...

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Corporate Wellness

Which Fruits Have The Most Sugar?

When you’re closely monitoring your sugar intake, whether it’s to control diabetes, insulin resistance, improve oral health or weight management, the sugar in fruits you consume count, too. While fruit...

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Corporate Wellness

What You Should Know About Energy Drinks

If you’ve thought of using energy drinks to boost your performance in the gym or even on the job, you should probably check to see if they’re bad for you...

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Corporate Wellness

Exercises To Firm/Tone Breasts

It’s a little deceptive to talk about exercises to firm and tone breasts, since your breasts are composed of fatty tissue. However, that fatty tissue is supported by muscles directly...

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Corporate Wellness

Stretches You Should Do Every Morning

You’ll get a host of benefits by doing stretches every morning. Most people realize that by stretching each day, the stiffness they experience from constant sitting will wane, but there...

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Corporate Wellness

Resistance Bands Vs Free Weights

If you want to do strength building exercises, you automatically think of free weights, but there is a less expensive alternative that you should consider, resistance bands. Free weights use...

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Corporate Wellness

Wellness Begins Within

We are a nation that’s focused too heavily on curing illness, rather than focusing on wellness and staying healthy in the first place. On the surface it would seem everyone...

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Corporate Wellness

What Is Recovery Nutrition?

What is recovery nutrition? It’s refueling your body with nutrients and calories after you’ve just endured hard physical activity. While most people think of sports or a workout at the...

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Corporate Wellness

When To Consult A Registered Dietitian

Should you consult a registered dietitian? You don’t have to have a special condition to see one. If you want to lose weight or just eat healthier, but aren’t sure...

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Corporate Wellness

How Hormones Affect Your Health

There are a number of reasons to workout regularly. Some of those cause weight gain, others can create mood swings and some hormones affect your health. Working out is one...

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Corporate Wellness

Are Grains Too Hard To Digest?

If you’re confused about including grains in your diet, you’re not alone. While highly processed grains offer little nutrition, whole grains offer a lot, but are hard to digest. They’re...

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Corporate Wellness

Is Chronic Cardio Bad For You?

Not only could chronic cardio cause you to gain weight, it could be bad for your health. Let’s focus first on how it makes you fat! When you’re doing cardio,...

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Corporate Wellness

Is It Important To Have A Regular Exercising Schedule?

The last few months have been chaotic and keeping consistency in your life is important. That’s one reason a regular exercising schedule can be important, but there are more reasons...

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Corporate Wellness

Be Mindful At Mealtime

Have you ever suddenly had the recognition that you were mindlessly eating stop you in your tracks. It happens way too often. People simply eat out of habit, walking past...

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Corporate Wellness

Can Your Diet Affect Your Estrogen Levels?

What is estrogen and what do estrogen levels have to do with your health? Estrogen is a hormone found in both men and women, but women have higher levels of...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Stay Fit As You Get Older

When you think about getting older and cringe at the thought, what you’re really uncomfortable with is not living the extra years, but the signs of frailty and aging. Just...

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Corporate Wellness

Good Sleep Is Important

Despite the diverse associations with lack of sleep, from hard worker to party animal, sleep is important and without adequate sleep, your body suffers. Even if you’re laying in bed...

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Corporate Wellness

Develop Healthier Habits Now

Getting fit is all about lifestyle changes. If you’re not eating healthy, change that. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, make that change to active. However, it can loop overwhelming...

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Corporate Wellness

The Benefit Of Reading Nutritional Labels

When you go to the store, you’ll find aisle of boxes, bottles and cans with labels screaming advertising at you. They may say delicious, fun, healthy or whatever message the...

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Corporate Wellness

Home Exercises To Tone Arms

When you move your arms a bit, does the flesh continue to sway? Have you lost weight and now find there’s loose skin that needs some firming? It’s time to...

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Corporate Wellness

At Home Butt Exercises That Work

You don’t have to envy Jennifer Lopez or Jamie Dornan for their perfect posterior, you can score a point in the best bottom column with some extra work on your...

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Corporate Wellness

Running Can Lift Your Mood

No matter what the weather, there are times when you’re simply not your happy self. It’s even worse on rainy days or during the winter months, where the lack of...

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Corporate Wellness

Pregnancy Safe Workouts

There’s no harm in exercising during pregnancy for most people. In fact, it actually could make delivery easier, while keeping you healthier and looking your best. It can improve your...

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Corporate Wellness

Exercises For Reduced Mobility

Whether you’ve broken an ankle and temporarily have reduced mobility, or are older with many physical challenges, exercise is still important. Exercising when you have physical limitations may seem like...

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Corporate Wellness

Should You Avoid Watermelon If You Have Diabetes

Just like fresh sweet corn and fresh tomatoes right off the vine, watermelon is a sign of summer and loved by many people. But should you avoid watermelon if you...

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Corporate Wellness

Tips To Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

You’re in the doctor’s office, and he or she brings back the results of your tests. From the look on the doctor’s face, you know it’s not good. Your blood...

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Corporate Wellness

How Often Should You Be Doing Cardio?

Most people know that cardio should be part of their workout program. But how much and how often should you do it? There are some guidelines given by the Department...

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Great Workouts For Stay At Home Moms And Dads

Life has changed quite a bit in the last few years and more people are working remotely from their homes. Stopping at the gym on the way home isn’t nearly...

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Corporate Wellness

How Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Weight loss, health issues and feeling energized are good reasons to eat healthy, but there are other reasons to do it. Eating habits affect your skin, too. Both a healthy...

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Corporate Wellness

Accountability Increases Results

How does accountability make you more successful in your fitness program? It works the same way as it does in your workplace. You become more responsible for your own actions,...

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Corporate Wellness

How Much Protein Do You Actually Need Each Day?

There are so many popular diets that are defined by the ratios of macros, such as the high protein-Keto diet or the low carb/high fat diet, that addressing the amount...

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Corporate Wellness

Best Healthy Snacks On The Go

If you’re on the go and often find you’re buying junk food when you stop for gas or eating a bit too many of the donuts someone brought to the...

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Corporate Wellness

Support Your Local Farmer and Eat Healthy in the Process

Whether it’s summertime or in the winter, there’s always something you can get from your local farmer that will help you eat healthy at a reasonable price. The cheapest way...

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Corporate Wellness

Simple Ways To Keep Your Remote Workforce Healthy And Productive

Change in the way people work has occurred rapidly recently. More and more people are working remotely, whether from home or from a distant on-site location. Even though you don’t...

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Corporate Wellness

Make This Summer a Fitness Challenge

What is a summer fitness challenge? It’s a program where you make changes that add up to a fitter, healthier body. You don’t have to do everything at once, either....

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Corporate Wellness

It’s Never Too Late To Get In Shape

There are a lot of reasons to get into shape. When you’re fit, you look better, feel better, live healthier, and live longer. The quality of life improves when you’re...

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Corporate Wellness

It’s Important To Feel Valued And Heard

No matter who you are, it’s important to feel valued and heard. That holds true for every person, regardless of their station in life. If you are an employer or...

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Corporate Wellness

Accident Prevention In The Workplace

If you’re looking for an accident prevention in the workplace program that provides a 100% guarantee that there will be no more accidents, you won’t find it. You will, however,...

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Corporate Wellness

Environmental Health And Safety

For both business owners and managers, there’s a lot of concerns that are important. While getting product or service delivered to customers in a timely manner is one that is...

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Corporate Wellness

Health And Wellness In The Workplace

People are spending less time on physical labor and more time on mental pursuits, which can decrease fitness dramatically. At the same time, no matter how active they are at...

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Corporate Wellness

Best Workplace Wellness Programs

Helping your employees stay healthy, is not only important for them, it is also important for you. The healthier your employees are, the less they’ll be susceptible to everything from...

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Corporate Wellness

Benefits of A Weight Loss Program For The Workplace

Did you know that a weight loss program for the workplace can benefit everyone, even people that don’t lose weight? It can help improve the quality of life for all...

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Corporate Wellness

Well-Being At Work Is Good For Mental Health

When you consider that many employees spend a huge portion of their waking hours at work, it only makes sense that their well-being at work affects the rest of their...

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Corporate Wellness

Employee Well-Being Should Be A Priority

No matter how creative you are or how acute you are in business, if your company is large, you need good employees. Good employees are a company’s biggest asset, so...

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Corporate Wellness

Workplace Wellness Programs Are The New Thing

There’s been a lot more focus on staying healthy and avoiding illness in recent months, which may be one reason workplace wellness programs have risen so much in popularity. Employers...

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Corporate Wellness

Does Your Company Have Corporate Wellness Programs

Reduce the risk of illness and serious health conditions. There’s a lot of information, particularly on the internet, about making lifestyle changes that can improve health, but it’s often mingled...

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Corporate Wellness

Occupational Health And Safety

Most people recognize the term, occupational health and safety, and have a vague idea what it encompasses. To keep it simple, it’s the field of study that looks at trends...

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Corporate Wellness

Workplace Safety – How Important Is It?

Focusing on workplace safety should be a top priority for any employer, or employee, for that matter. Lack of concern cause permanent injury and death, but also costs billions of...

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Corporate Wellness

Let Your Goals Change Your Future

What you focus on is often what you achieve. It’s like any type of travel, when your focus or destination is a specific city or location, it determines the path...

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Corporate Wellness

Fitness For The Idle

If you’re one of those people that think it’s rude to grunt, moan and sweat in the gym or simply don’t like the idea of doing the same boring type...

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Corporate Wellness

Eat, Drink And Be Fit

If your motto has always been “Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow is another day”, maybe you need to modify it a bit. That’s particularly true if that other...

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Corporate Wellness

Wellness Rediscovery

It’s easy to know when you’re sick. You may have a fever or show other signs like digestive issues or a sore throat. However, there’s a difference between being sick...

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Corporate Wellness

The Sweet Life

What’s your definition of the sweet life? It’s different for every person. Some people dream of traveling the world and sight seeing. Others think the sweet life is eating at...

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Corporate Wellness

Real Foods Are Real Important

Real foods are single ingredient foods. There’s a lot of data that suggests people need to return to eating real foods, not the processed types with additives man was never...

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Corporate Wellness

Safe Workouts For Pregnancy

At one time, when a woman of means found out she was pregnant, she was pampered and often took to the bed. Today, we know that continuing most normal activities...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Tame Your Hunger

If you find that some days, you race to the gas station, not for fuel but for those overcooked hot dogs and chili or were so ravenous you ate all...

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Corporate Wellness

Low Impact Ways To Stay Fit

You may have heard of both high impact and low impact exercises and not understood the difference between the two. Both help you stay fit and both have a place...

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Corporate Wellness

Yoga Poses For Back And Neck Pain

If you’re having chronic back and neck pain or simply want relief from occasional pain, consider using yoga poses to help. Many of these poses help stretch tight muscle that...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Lose Weight When You Are Insulin Resistant

If you think your biggest problem losing weight is all about your will power, you might be right. However, I find that there’s a lot more valid reasons than that....

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Corporate Wellness

Essential Oils For Tightening Skin

Did you just have a baby or lose a ton of weight? That can leave your skin looking saggy and baggy. You can opt for expensive creams that often contain...

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Corporate Wellness

Strength Training For Aging Bodies

Even if you have never worked out before, it’s never too late to start. There’s a lot of benefits from all types of training, strength, endurance, flexibility and balance, regardless...

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Corporate Wellness

How Can Hormones Affect Your Health?

Hormones affect your health for a very good reason. They are messengers that trigger a variety of functions throughout the body. When those messengers are balanced and functioning, everything in...

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Corporate Wellness

Fat Loss Mistakes

Losing weight is hard enough. Don’t make it harder by making these fat loss mistakes. One of the worse mistakes many people make is to starve themselves or use a...

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Corporate Wellness

Ways To Relieve Stress

When you feel like you’re head is an active volcano and about to blow, it’s time to take a few minutes to relieve stress. Sure, you may be busy, but...

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Corporate Wellness

How To Get Happy And Healthier Employees

Are your employees calling in sick frequently or is there a lot of dissension in the office? May it’s time to work on finding ways to help improve their quality...

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Corporate Wellness

Beat Your Soda Habit

If you have a soda habit, it’s time to make some changes. Not only does it contain calories you probably aren’t counting, it’s also addictive. Soft drinks contain sugar and...

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Corporate Wellness

Prevention Is Key

Most people wouldn’t neglect to change the oil in their car for years. However, those same people often fail to take action when it comes to their health until it’s...

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Corporate Wellness

Improve Your Lifestyle

Despite the advancements in health care, the life expectancy in America has dropped. There are many reasons for this decline. One of which is the abuse of opioids. However, there...

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Corporate Wellness

Do You Need A Wellness Expert?

You know the feeling. You aren’t sick, yet you really don’t feel good, either. You feel stressed and basically out of sorts. If you’ve had regular check-ups and there’s nothing...

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