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Corporate Wellness

Workplace Wellness Programs Are The New Thing

occupational healthThere’s been a lot more focus on staying healthy and avoiding illness in recent months, which may be one reason workplace wellness programs have risen so much in popularity. Employers provide employees with the benefit of concrete knowledge that can help them plan better in almost every area of their life. More recent programs offer information to help employees with physical and mental health issues, as well as financial issues. Helping employees with information to live a healthier, more rewarding life not only provides benefits for the employees, but also benefits the employer.

Healthier employees are more productive.

A lot of workplace health issues revolve around lifestyle. If you live a sedentary life and eat high calorie food with all the nutrition removed by processing, the potential for serious conditions rise. Eating healthier can sound difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Providing precise science-backed information that’s easy to access makes it easier. The easier something is to do, the more likely it will be done. Healthy foods tend to keep blood sugar level, which means fewer dips in energy. The same holds true for exercise. Not only does exercising regularly help keep employees healthier, it boosts their energy level, too. More energy, higher productivity.

Employee morale rises.

When you know you’re a valuable part of the organization and that your employer cares, that can boost goodwill and play a role in building a positive attitude toward the organization. Some employers even provide rewards for participating in wellness programs, which boosts both the effectiveness and goodwill. Not only are wellness programs good for present employees, they’re important when presenting a benefit package for recruiting the best employees.

You’ll reduce your costs.

Not only does illness create a higher healthcare cost for employers, it also increases costs in other ways. First, let’s consider programs like weight management through diet and exercise, smoking cessation and even mental health issues. Making lifestyle changes can make all the difference in reducing the risk of lung and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Besides saving on health care and ultimately on insurance, keeping employees healthy help reduce the number of sick days and boost productivity.

  • Wellness programs address the effects of stress and provide stress management programs. Reducing stress not only helps improve sleep and improves morale, it also can improve focus, memory and emotional responses.
  • Sharing information with your employees on ways to stay healthier, despite the latest outbreak of influenza or virus, not only helps them feel more reassured, it aids in preventing the spread of the illness.
  • When wellness programs encompass all areas of their life, financial, emotional and physical, you’ll have happier employees, which leads to better customer care, problem solving and creativity.
  • Wellness programs can be a powerful tool to help employees get the most out of life. There’s nothing better than having a happy workforce, unless it’s having a happy, healthy one.

For more information, contact us today at Travel Trim