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Corporate Wellness

Best Workplace Wellness Programs

happy employees2Helping your employees stay healthy, is not only important for them, it is also important for you. The healthier your employees are, the less they’ll be susceptible to everything from a virus outbreak to chronic conditions. That improves attendance, lowers insurance cost and improves the overall workplace satisfaction of each employee. That’s why offering workplace wellness programs not only benefit you, but also your staff.

The best workplace wellness programs provide guidance for a healthy diet.

The leading cause of preventable deaths in America today is obesity. Obesity can lead to chronic disease, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain cancers, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout and certain breathing problems, including sleep apnea and asthma. It contributes to the severity of diseases from viruses and bacteria, too. An unhealthy diet causes poor nutrition and also leads to a host of conditions and diseases. Finding and presenting ways to implement healthier eating habits, such as replacing sugary foods in vending machines, having healthy lunches at meetings and offering employee education in that area are important for a healthy workforce.

Encourage movement and exercise.

You can’t force anyone to exercise. It’s hard enough for some people to do it consistently, even when they initiate the program. You can improve your workplace program by encouraging an active break more often, finding ways to make work more active—like a waling meeting, starting a program to reward exercise and encouraging things like biking to work or bike sharing. Providing fitness training or video programs for fitness for all employees add to good health, but also create a less stressful workplace.

Good workplace health programs also focus on mental and smoking cessation.

Mental health and smoking cessation play a vital role in the health and happiness of each employee. Even mild depression can reduce productivity, while adding to employee stress and ultimately his or her physical health. Smoking is no longer the leading cause of preventable deaths, but it still takes its toll, not only in deaths, but on overall good health. Encouraging and even rewarding those who quit can help lower insurance costs, too.

  • Providing a financial well-being program helps employees avoid the pitfalls of poor planning and money management, reducing overall stress.
  • Good health programs develop when employees have input in what they want. Talk to your employees and find out what is the most important to them when considering a plan. Customize the program, including rewards for healthy behavior.
  • Find ways to include as many employees as possible. While a company soft ball team may get some people to exercise, a fitness challenge with teams and prizes can include all employees.
  • Employee wellness programs can even include more socialization. Instituting programs to use workers to help charities, team building events and even a company Random Act of Kindness Day.

For more information, contact us today at Travel Trim