
Mental Illness Warning Signs and Symptoms

Mental Illness Warning Signs and Symptoms

Trying to tell the difference between what expected behaviors are and what might be the signs of a mental illness isn’t always easy. There’s no easy test that can let someone know if there is mental illness or if actions and thoughts might be typical behaviors of a person or the result of a physical […]

Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercise is proven to strengthen both your body and mind during difficult times. Here are some of the many benefits of regular exercise. Clearer thoughts. Exercise releases endorphins that help stimulate your brain. It also boosts the growth of new brain cells that keep your thoughts clear and sharp. Higher self-esteem. Exercise can grow your […]

Wellness Begins Within

Wellness Begins Within

We are a nation that’s focused too heavily on curing illness, rather than focusing on wellness and staying healthy in the first place. On the surface it would seem everyone would want to stay well and healthy, but looking at exercise and eating habits gives a different picture. We are a nation of obesity. Based […]

What Is Recovery Nutrition?

What Is Recovery Nutrition?

What is recovery nutrition? It’s refueling your body with nutrients and calories after you’ve just endured hard physical activity. While most people think of sports or a workout at the gym, it could even include hard physical labor for an extended time frame, particularly if you don’t normally do it. When you work your body […]

Teen removing money from wallet

How to Teach Teenagers About Money

When it comes to raising kids, most parents either look forward to the teen years . . . or dread them. But no matter which side of the spectrum you’re on, the end goal is still the same: help them become successful contributors to society. But what does that even mean?   It means showing them the ropes […]

An illustration of several organs to answer common myths about organ donation.

Who Can Donate?

All people should consider themselves potential organ and tissue donors—regardless of age, health, race, or ethnicity. Don’t rule yourself out! No one is too old or too young to be a deceased donor and most major religions support donation.  Here are some of the most commonly asked questions related to organ donation eligibility.     What if I have a […]

Organ Donation

Organ Donation

Organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people. Organs you can donate include:    Internal organs: Kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines, lungs  Skin  Bone and bone marrow  Cornea    Most organ and tissue donations […]

Distracted Driving Awareness Month FAQs and Facts

Distracted Driving Awareness Month FAQs and Facts

Distracted Driving Awareness Month FAQs    What are the four types of distractions while driving?  The four types of distractions are Visual – looking at something other than the road. Auditory – hearing something not related to driving. Manual – manipulating something other than the steering wheel. And Cognitive – thinking about something other than driving.  […]

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: Self Examination Saves Lives

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: Self Examination Saves Lives

Testicular cancer occurs when cancer cells form in the tissues of one or both testicles — the egg-shaped glands located inside the scrotum that produce testosterone and sperm. Although testicular cancer is rare and accounts for only one percent of cancers in men, it remains the most common cancer diagnosed in men ages 15-35.    April is […]