
Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular Health Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a general term that includes many different conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. According to the American Heart Association, over 39 million American men (1 in 3) suffer from one or more of these conditions, and every year just under half a million of them die of cardiovascular disease […]

Stages of Alzheimer’s

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease worsen over time, although the rate at which the disease progresses varies. On average, a person with Alzheimer’s lives four to eight years after diagnosis, but can live as long as 20 years, depending on other factors. Changes in the brain related to Alzheimer’s begin years before any signs of […]

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. There are 10 warning signs and symptoms. If you notice any of them, don’t ignore them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. 1 Memory loss that […]

Myths of Alzheimers

Myth 1: Memory loss is a natural part of aging. Reality: As people age, it’s normal to have occasional memory problems, such as forgetting the name of a person you’ve recently met. However, Alzheimer’s is more than occasional memory loss. It’s a disease that causes brain cells to malfunction and ultimately die. When this happens, an […]

Ways to Be Active

Ways to Be Active The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults, 60 minutes for children, at least five days a week. Sound daunting? It’s much easier than you think, regardless of your current activity level. There are plenty of ways to get moving and some may even surprise […]

What Is Earnest Money?

People in the real estate business absolutely love their jargon. If you’re new to the home-buying process, you’re going to hear a bunch of stuff that will make you wonder if English is your native language. There’s stuff like bump and bumpable and estoppel certificate. And what in the world is earnest money? Well, that one is kinda easy, so let’s […]

Heat Related Illness

Know the signs of heat-related illness and the ways to respond to it: HEAT CRAMPS Signs: Muscle pains or spasms in the stomach, arms, or legs Actions: Go to a cooler location. Remove excess clothing. Take sips of cool sports drinks with salt and sugar. Get medical help if cramps last more than an hour. HEAT EXHAUSTION […]

Risks of Indoor Tanning

The United States Department of Health and Human Services and the World Health Organization’s International Agency of Research on Cancer panel have declared ultraviolet radiation from the sun and artificial sources, such as tanning beds and sun lamps, to be a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance).9         Research indicates that UV light from the sun and tanning […]

Detect Skin Cancer

Anyone can get skin cancer, regardless of skin color. It is estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. You can detect skin cancer early by following dermatologists’ tips for checking your skin. You can download the AAD’s body mole map to document your self-examination. If you […]

Reducing Risk of Stroke

You can help reduce your risk of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes. These are the most important steps you can take to lower your risk of stroke: ·         Keep your blood pressure in the normal range. ·         If you smoke, quit. ·         Keep your blood sugar (glucose) in the normal range. ·         If you […]