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Best Foods To Eat To Stay Full While Dieting

If you want to avoid hanger—that combination of hunger and anger—when you’re dieting, find food that will help you stay full. It’s not the sugar treat you keep thinking about. That will satisfy you for a short time. It won’t take long before you’ll be even hungrier. Eat food that is filling and healthy. How do you find those types of food? It’s certainly not the rice cakes you’ve been eating. The macronutrient you choose and the amount of fiber it contains makes a difference.

Choose food that’s high in fiber.

Fiber fills you and digests slowly. That’s what keeps you feeling full longer. It also slows the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. That keeps it level, maintains your energy, and keeps you feeling full. It feeds the beneficial microbes in your gut happy by feeding them. High-fiber foods include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Whole foods are often lower in calories, which also helps you lose weight.

Healthy fat can satisfy your hunger without causing weight gain.

You can’t overindulge in healthy fat, but you do need it in your diet. Healthy fat is necessary for the absorption of vitamins. It’s vital for hormone creation, and it helps burn fat. It keeps you full longer because it takes longer to digest. People often avoid full-fat products, but studies show they help weight loss. When manufacturers remove fat from milk or other products, it’s replaced with sugar to make it palatable. Removing the fat makes it less filling, so your hunger returns quickly. Avocados, tree nuts, nut butter, and olives contain healthy fat.

Eat protein to keep you feeling full longer.

Just like fat and fiber, protein takes a while to digest, so you’ll feel full longer. Combining a healthy high-fiber carbohydrate with protein makes an excellent snack. Smearing a teaspoon of nut butter onto an apple slice provides fat, fiber, and protein. It will keep you full and provide quick energy. Chicken, fish, beef, quinoa, beans, and pork are protein sources. So are dairy products.

  • Eat probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, and pickles to help you lose weight. Use full-fat yogurt and kefir since the fat keeps you full. Pickles are filling and very low in calories.
  • When you help your beneficial gut microbes by feeding them fiber, it can help you lose weight. Prebiotic foods include asparagus, bananas, and beans that feed bacteria.
  • If you want a snack, choose fresh fruit, nuts, or air-popped popcorn. Other options include string cheese, yogurt, and raw vegetables and dip. When you’re choosing dip, make it humus or yogurt-based.
  • Boiled potatoes, eggs, fish, and oatmeal keep you full longer for various reasons. If you eat potatoes, don’t add butter to top it. Use Greek yogurt instead. They both fill you without a lot of calories.

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