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Corporate Wellness, Exercise

Just Move!

You can spend time trying to find the best exercises and learn everything possible about fitness and the best way to execute moves. Unless you physically move, the only thing getting exercise is your brain and possibly your fingers if you’re typing. If you’re older or have a health condition, checking with your doctor before starting any exercise program is vital. Otherwise, just move! Just do it! Start changing your sedentary lifestyle into a more active one.

Inactivity is one of the top causes of preventable death.

The number one cause of preventable death is obesity. Inactivity plays a role in promoting that. Studies show that sitting for extended periods can wipe out much of the gains you made by exercising. One study indicated that if you sat without getting up and moving for six hours, you’d wipe out any physical gains you made working out regularly. Of course, you’d have to do it consistently.

How do you offset long hours of sitting?

Whether you’re flying or trapped at a desk in a cubicle, there are ways to combat long hours of sitting without doing jumping jacks or other calisthenics. Every 50 minutes to an hour, get up for a few minutes and walk or stretch your legs. A standing desk is another possibility. Alternate between standing and sitting throughout the day.

If you drive or are in another job that requires you to sit constantly, find a way to move more.

If you’re driving a truck, the potential for obesity and lack of exercise is huge. Your time is money. The goal is to get from one place to another faster. That means driving more and resting less. It’s impossible to get up and move every 50 minutes, so make sure you do when you stop. Many articles address truck drivers’ need to exercise more. They suggest they do it when they stop for a break. Even a four-minute workout doing squats, jumping jacks, sitting dips, knee bends, standing push-ups, and stretches helps.

  • Take time from binge-watching. Keep a list of exercises to do during commercials or when the movie is slow. When you have time, do a few on the list. Spend a few minutes periodically and build your endurance.
  • If you’re standing in line, take the time to improve your cardio or your balance. Shift your weight, march in place, or stand on one foot to improve your balance. Don’t worry about what other people think.
  • Take time to walk more every day. Taking the steps instead of the elevator is a good habit that builds endurance. Carry your lunch and walk to the park to eat it. If you’re preparing supper or standing for any reason, walk in place.
  • The older you are, the more exercise you need to maintain good health. Find ways to increase your daily activity and do it. Turn on fast music and dance if you’re home alone. You don’t have to dance the whole song, do as much as you can.

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