If you groan inside when it’s time to workout, you might be facing workout boredom. It affects almost everyone at some time. Here are some things you can do to help prevent it. Start by varying your workout. Doing the same stale workout daily can make it a drudge. You lose focus and mindlessly go through the motions since you know it so well. Have several workouts that you alternate. Using this technique also prevents plateauing that can occur from using the same workout repeatedly.
Mix it up by adding fun activities.
Do you love to dance? Go dancing one night a week. Make sure you dance to every song. If you enjoy communing with Mother Nature, take a day away from traditional exercise and add a hike or ride a bike trail through a nature preserve. Play games with your kids or shoot hoops with the guys. Even going roller skating or swimming is good. Getting fit is all about moving your body. Nobody says it has to be at the gym or doing calisthenics.
Join a group to workout.
Some cities offer free exercise classes that can be anything from traditional bodyweight workouts to yoga or Pilates. Join with a friend or your life partner and make it your night out. Group sessions are far more fun than working out alone. You get the energy of the group and lots of encouragement. If you’re competitive, it will drive you to achieve even more through healthy competition. Groups offer a special opportunity to make like-minded friends with the same goal as you.
Take your workout outside.
There’s nothing better than exercising outdoors. Take off your shoes if you workout on the grass. It allows you to do grounding that can bring a sense of peace. Changing your surroundings also brings a rush of revitalization. Are you working out down in the basement? Take your workout upstairs and turn on the music. If you already workout to music, change your playlist.
- Find ways to increase your activity when you’re not at the gym. Park further from the store and walk more. If you work at a desk, get up and move around for five minutes every hour. It helps lock in the benefits of your exercise program.
- Try a new way of doing your exercise. Get resistance bands for your strength-building workout or kettlebells. Make your workout a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout.
- Change your focus. Focus on each individual muscle as you move them and feel the control you’re gaining. It’s thrilling once you realize how you’re gaining control over your body.
- Track your progress. If you’re just working out but not tracking your progress, you’re cheating yourself of some of the fun. When you start tracking your progress, it becomes a game that’s almost addictive.
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