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Corporate Wellness

Become More Productive

You might feel that you can’t exercise because you have too much to do. What if you could exercise and get your jobs done faster? That sounds enticing, doesn’t it? You have a chance to workout, look and feel better, and get fit as you become more productive. Exercise builds your energy levels so you can go at full steam longer. That helps you work faster and be more focused. Taking the time to get adequate sleep, eat a healthy meal, and workout, may seem like it’s cutting into productivity time. It’s not. It’s the very things you have to do to be more productive.

Regular exercise puts you in a better mood and burns off stress hormones.

When you’re under stress, the fight-or-flight response kicks in and changes the body to help you win a battle or run like the wind. In earlier times, it saved you from a predator or enemy. Today, stress can occur if you’re under pressure or stuck in a traffic jam. Running and fighting aren’t acceptable ways to handle the situation. The stress hormones can leave you in a brain fog that slows you down and makes you less productive. It clears your brain and boosts your creativity.

Some studies show that exercising should be part of your job requirements.

One study Leeds Metropolitan University conducted showed productivity increased when people exercised during regular work hours. It followed over 200 employees and several companies, using self-reporting to judge the outcome. The study didn’t add extra hours for the exercise but included it in the workday. On the days the employees exercised, they reported they got more done and had improved interactions with other employees. They left work feeling more satisfied.

If exercise is part of your workday, completing it becomes more vital.

One of the biggest problems people face when starting any fitness program is consistency and sticking with the exercise program. Too often, people let other tasks get in the way and take precedence. When you change your mindset and exercise to become more productive, you’ll be more likely to do it. It’s all about your mindset and changing your perception. Exercise changes from self-indulgence to something necessary to do your job better. It becomes a tool you don’t have to justify.

  • You can build community at work and get more done by forming a group and working out together, even if you do it before and after work. It not only improves productivity, but it also encourages teamwork and increases accountability.
  • Encouraging exercising at work not only increases productivity and creativity but also reduces sick days. Studies show that people who exercise have fewer sick days. It can lower insurance rates.
  • Regular exercise encourages creating goals and achieving them. Being successful at maintaining an exercise program translates to other areas of life.
  • Employees who exercise regularly tend to be happier and more content on the job. It boosts morale and improves overall attitudes.

For more information, contact us today at Travel Trim