It doesn’t matter what the situation is, we all have self-talk. Some people cheer themselves on with mental words like “You got this,” and “I can do this.” Others just tell themselves they’re failures and to give up. Who do you think is the most successful? The person who is their own best friend. That’s why you have to develop a good relationship with yourself, especially if you’re trying something new or a task you failed at previously. Getting fit and losing weight fits into that classification.
Consider the self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Pygmalion Effect has been studied for centuries. It can occur due to self-beliefs and self-actions, others’ beliefs and self-actions, or others’ beliefs and the effects of their actions on the outcome. Rosenthall and Jacobson’s educational studies that showed children achieved academic growth based on the teacher’s expectations. If you believe you can achieve something, it boosts your potential to achieve it. If your self-talk is negative, it diminishes the potential for success.
The Pygmalion Effect can occur because others don’t believe in you.
If you’re expecting to get all your support from others, remember they can negatively affect the outcome, too. Some people may have a strong support system, but for one reason or another, others don’t. Don’t let the outcome of anything in your life depend on the words of others when you have a built-in support system. Staying in charge of your beliefs about yourself allows you to accomplish almost anything.
Do you sabotage yourself right as you’re seeing success?
Self-sabotage is often one reason fitness programs fail. Why does that occur? Is it that you’re afraid of success, don’t think you deserve it, or it will cause something negative if you succeed? Maybe you’re just trying to keep the myth someone else started, one that said you’ll never get fit, that you’re lazy, or some other derogatory remark. Ask yourself the tough questions as you reaffirm that you can shed extra pounds or improve your fitness.
- Before you hang up your workout clothes and give up forever, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it based on someone else’s beliefs about you? What were your automatic thoughts, the things you say to yourself?
- If you’re frustrated and ready to quit, ask yourself why. Is your belief system based on reality or someone else’s words? Is your reaction what a reasonable person would do?
- Are you worried about your present relationships and how others will react if you succeed at reaching your goal? In most cases, they’ll still love you, but if not, they may not be real friends.
- Imagine the type of relationship you want from a best friend and then be that friend to yourself. Recognize bullying behavior and words aimed internally and cease that behavior.
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