Do you debate when you shop whether to choose more expensive options like organic fruits and vegetables, or pastured animal products? With prices increasing everywhere, getting the most for your money is important. The key is knowing where you get the most health advantages from choosing organic food over commercially grown food and when you don’t. If produce is labeled organic, it uses no commercial pesticide, fertilizer, or herbicide. It isn’t a GMO—genetically modified organism. Choosing organic and pastured animal products also has health benefits.
Organic produce has its benefits.
There are chemicals in our food. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and herbicides are used to increase yield. In many cases, the residue of those pesticides remains on the produce. It’s residue you can’t remove by simply washing. That residue can enter your body and accumulate. Choosing organic can help prevent that from occurring. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are also more nutritious. While commercial farmers only add nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium as fertilizer, organic farmers use decomposed organic material that has more nutrients and trace minerals. Studies show that fruits and vegetables grown today are lower in nutrients than they were 50 years ago. The type of modern fertilizer used may be the reason why.
EWG—Environmental Working Group—did the work for you.
The EWG takes samples of all traditionally grown produce nationwide, cleans them, and tests them. The ones with little or no residue are called the “Clean 15.” The ones high in pesticides and herbicides are the “Dirty Dozen.” If you want to eat healthier, choose the organic option of the fruits and vegetables whose traditionally grown counterparts contain herbicides and pesticides, the Dirty Dozen. You can choose the traditionally grown ones on the list of the Clean 15.
Animal products from pastured, organically raised animals have more nutrients.
While eating some types of beef and dairy can be bad for the heart, consuming beef and dairy from a pastured, organically raised animal is heart-healthy. How can that be? You are not only what you eat, but also what they eat. They eat what Mother Nature intended and are allowed to graze. Eggs from pastured hens are richer in nutrients. They’re free to eat bugs, worms, and plants in the sun and fresh air. Animal products that are certified organic and pastured have a better fatty acid profile that’s heart-healthy.
- If you’re worried about hormones in your food, always choose organic animal products. No growth hormones or antibiotics are used. That reduces the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- The 2023 Dirty Dozen list has strawberries as the biggest offender. The rest of the list includes spinach, greens, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, peppers, cherries, blueberries, and green beans.
- Clean 15 list includes avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, onion, sweet peas, asparagus, honeydew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mango, sweet potato, watermelon, and carrots. Save money and use factory farm options for these.
- Dairy and beef from pastured cattle are higher in CLA—conjugated linoleic acid. It’s an omega-3 fatty acid that helps lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Eggs from pastured chickens have more vitamins A and E. It’s also higher in omega-3 fatty acids.
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