June 20, 2022
1. Conduct a home fire drill
Fire is highly likely. However, taking precautionary measures can prevent severe damage. And what better time than National Safety Month to practice a fire drill. Select a safety point that’s close to your house. Test your fire alarms and perform the drill.
2. Update your first-aid kit
Keeping an updated professional first aid kit is a simple yet effective way to keep yourself prepared for unforeseen emergencies. Make sure to stock it with dressings, bandages, tape, ointments, wipes, aspirin, gloves, scissors, and gauze pads. Make sure to check the first-aid kit regularly and remove ointments and medications that have reached their expiration dates.
3. Practice self-defense
It’s always good to be mentally and physically prepared to face any unforeseen harm or danger. The best part about self-defense is that anyone can learn it. Anyone who needs to improve their strength and agility can practice different techniques like karate, boxing, and jiu-jitsu.