The first step is the beginning of any journey. It’s why you have to “just do it.” Make that commitment and take the first step. If you’re a planner, but never set your plans in motion, you’ve accomplished nothing. If you start something and plan as you go, at least you’ve made progress. For some people, creating a goal and outlining all the steps to make that goal happen is the best route to success. For others, all that planning and thinking is just a way of stalling and putting off beginning a project.
Just do it means taking the first step or the critical step.
You can debate yourself for hours about why you skip the gym or never seem to get started on the fitness program, but that won’t get you very far. Taking one small step and just “doing it” will get you closer to reaching your goal. That step can be going to the gym, putting on your gym clothes, and warming up. After the warm-up, decide if you want to do more. Permit yourself to quit at any point and congratulate yourself on at least getting started.
You can solve why you don’t do it later.
Take exercise one step at a time. It doesn’t mean you have to close your mind to understanding. Ask yourself why you continuously procrastinate or sabotage your success and do what it takes to increase your exercise or eat healthier at the same time. On your way to the gym, ask yourself the hard questions. You can just do it and get to the root cause of the problem. It might be as simple as one of Newton’s laws of motion. A body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion.
Your mental talk determines everything in life.
You don’t have to know why you procrastinate to change your mental talk. Just start, just do it, and take the first step are good starting points. When you change your self-talk from whining about how hard something is to a positive message of belief, almost anything is possible. You got this.
- Take the first step. If you’re sure you’re going to quit before you start, don’t give yourself a chance to do that. Start with an exercise program immediately. Go for a brisk walk. It’s the easiest to do without planning.
- Once you start your fitness journey, use the “just do it” belief system to get you through the tough parts. You can substitute the words to fit the situation, like “Just do one more.”
- You can build on the just-do-it attitude by clearly defining your goal, breaking it down into smaller goals, and focusing your efforts on each of those goals.
- Build on the attitude, but don’t make it your only arrow in the quiver. Do a multipronged approach for long-term success with “just do it” saved for those times when you need an extra boost.
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