starts with a DECISION. Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion. It fires our souls and lifts our spirits. ","The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. ","Believe you can and you\'re halfway there. ","Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. ","Whether you think you can, or think you can\'t... you\'re right. ","At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
Time to turn up the heat and live at 212 degrees!
","Our WORDS are seeds planted in other PEOPLE\'s LIVES. ","12. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ",],numQuotes:29,fadeDuration:0,fadeoutDuration:0,delay:20,quotesInit:function(){if(this.numQuotes<1){document.getElementById('quoterotator').innerHTML="No Quotes Found";}else{this.quoteRotate();setInterval('quoteRotator.quoteRotate()',(this.fadeDuration+this.fadeoutDuration+this.delay)*900);}},quoteRotate:function(){jQuery('#quoterotator').hide().html(this.quotes[this.i-1]).fadeIn(this.fadeDuration*1000).css('filter','').delay(this.delay*1000).fadeOut(this.fadeoutDuration*1000);this.i=this.i%(this.numQuotes)+1;}}